Hybridgenix Performance

Feature Coding for BMW and MINI

Does your car only have a few features?

We can help you unlock the full potential of your cars functionality without having to go to a dealer.

We can help you code so many different features that your car can provide that many not be set from factory.
We can help code:
1. Sport +
2. Sport Transmission.
3. Daylight Running Lights.
4. Window Closing and opening with your key.
5. Some cars Sport Displays.
and a lot more features that your car can provide.
We can also Code UNWANTED features out for you.

*Price us dependent of Coding*

Please note this does not void your warranty. You can go to a dealership and get it done but this is a quick and easy way and cheap way. All Hybridgenix cars have been used and tested for this purpose. Please Note all coding will be done by the vehicle owns own risk, If a feature is giving issues we can revert the code as well.

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